April 8

Communicating Bad News


Communicating Bad News

by DeNeen

April 8, 2021

Leading with Strength and grace requires effective communication, and crafting your message to convey your intent takes more than well-chosen words. It involves a well-thought-out plan, audience analysis, and due diligence. While winging it might be tempting, it can also yield devastating results for even the most seasoned communicator. Here are six things to consider when tasked with delivering bad news.

  1. Don’t delegate the task. Your team needs to see and know that you can stand firm in the face of adversity and provide direction. 
  2. Understand that transparency and vulnerability will yield a greater return. Admitting where you fell short might leave you feeling exposed, but it is far better to feel exposed and uncomfortable than to feel comfortable and lose the trust of those you lead.
  3. Expect resistance and backlash. 
  4. Resist the urge to deflect. Instead, take full responsibility for the situation and provide insight into your intended plans. 
  5. Keep your message simple and to the point. Don’t bombard your audience with too much data in an attempt to justify the decision. 
  6. Give your team time to digest, adjust, and recover.

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