May 4

How New Leaders Can Combat Bias When Conducting Job Interviews


How New Leaders Can Combat Bias When Conducting Job Interviews

by DeNeen

May 4, 2023

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In today’s workplace, diversity and inclusion are crucial for success. As a younger and less experienced new and emerging leader, you may be tasked with interviewing qualified, more seasoned, and mature candidates than you. Your first instinct might be to become intimated and withdraw or explore another ineffective approach. Instead, approach the interview with curiosity, professionalism, and a genuine desire to discover the candidate’s talents, experience, and skills which can be an asset to the role and organization. Being aware of unconscious bias and discrimination when conducting job interviews is equally important.

Ageism, or discrimination against older job candidates, is a pervasive issue in the workplace. As a leader, it’s essential to combat bias to create a fair and inclusive interview process. In this article, we will explore some tips on how new leaders can avoid showing bias and discrimination when interviewing more seasoned and mature job candidates. By breaking the age barrier, new leaders can help create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, ultimately leading to greater success for the organization. Here are a few tips to help avoid showing bias during the interview process:

  1. Focus on the candidate’s experience and qualifications. Avoid making assumptions about what the candidate may or may not be able to do based solely on their age or any other demographic characteristic.
  2. Avoid stereotyping. Be open to learning about the candidate’s unique skills, experiences, and qualifications.
  3. Be aware of your own biases. Take time to reflect on your own experiences and attitudes, and work to challenge any biases or assumptions you may have.
  4. Use objective criteria. This approach ensures your evaluation is based on relevant criteria rather than unconscious biases or assumptions.
  5. Treat all candidates with respect. This will create a positive and inclusive interview environment for all candidates.


Question: What is one way to avoid showing bias during the interview process?

Answer: Focus on the candidate’s experience and qualifications. Avoid making assumptions based on age or other demographic characteristics. Focusing on the candidate’s knowledge and qualifications can help ensure your evaluation is based on relevant criteria.

Question: What is one way to avoid stereotyping during the interview process?

Answer: Be open to learning about the candidate’s unique skills, experiences, and qualifications.

Question: What is the importance of knowing your biases when interviewing more seasoned job candidates?

Answer: By reflecting on your own experiences and attitudes, you can work to challenge any biases or assumptions you may have and ensure that your evaluation is based on relevant criteria rather than unconscious biases.

Question: What examples of objective criteria can be used to evaluate job candidates?

Answer: A candidate’s experience, qualifications, and performance on job-related tasks.

Question: What is the importance of respecting all candidates during the interview process?

Answer: Treating all candidates with respect and professionalism can help create a positive and inclusive interview environment and help you avoid showing unconscious bias or discrimination during the interview process.


DeNeen K. Attard, CEO of ALA, is happy to announce that the book Illuminating Leadership will be available for order very soon along with the Illuminating Leadership 1.0, an on-demand 5-week training course created in collaboration with Dr. Lashun Aron-Smith, CEO of LAS Education Consulting, LLC, is coming soon!

Receive priority notification of the release date forĀ Illuminating Leadership atĀ

Attard Leadership Academy, LLC partners with individuals and corporations to help new and emerging leaders create and execute a strategic leadership development plan to champion change, lead teams, and gain influence in their workspace. We help our clients become more confident, engaged, and productive leaders.

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