October 2

Indiana Women in Tech Week 2024: Empowering Women, Driving Innovation

Indiana Women in Tech Week 2024: Empowering Women, Driving Innovation

by DeNeen

October 2, 2024

What an unforgettable experience at Indiana Women in Tech Week, September 16-22! 🚀 We kicked off Tuesday, September 17, with a brunch at Infosys, featuring inspiring keynote speakers, including Secretary of Education Dr. Katie Jenner, Karrah A. Herring, Chief Equity Inclusion and Opportunity Officer for the State of Indiana, and Linda Calvin, JD, who spearheaded this week-long celebration!

*Photo gallery courtesy of Linda Calvin, JD

The day continued with a powerful panel on women in tech leadership, featuring Heather Darring, CIO of Kappa Alpha Theta; Gail Farnsley, retired CIO of Cummins Inc.; and Rupal Thanawala, CEO of Trident. Their insights reinforced the importance of empowering women in tech leadership roles.

We ended our week with the Women Leading Tech Innovation Mastermind, hosted by Attard Leadership Academy and presented with Fetch Happiness CEO Jeni McIntosh-Elkins. The workshop was packed with hands-on activities and strategies for fostering creativity, driving change, and building influence. Participants left feeling energized and ready to lead in the tech world.

What’s next? I am glad you asked! Attard Leadership Academy is excited to announce that we are already gearing up for next year’s Indiana Women in Tech Week event. We will host our signature event, Women Leading Tech Innovation Mastermind, on September 16 at 16 Tech! New topics, panelists, and a new location!

This is your chance to be part of an incredible event that empowers women to lead, innovate, and thrive in the tech industry. We are now offering vendor and sponsor opportunities for those looking to support and engage women in tech.

📅 Mark your calendars and click here to learn more about how you can get involved!

Let’s continue shaping the future of tech together.

#WomenInTech #TechLeadership #Innovation #SponsorOpportunities #VendorOpportunities #IndianaTech #WomenWhoLead

Attard Leadership Academy, LLC provides leadership and personal development training, consulting, and e-learning experiences to help new and mid-level leaders from diverse backgrounds reach their full potential.

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