June 13

Proven Strategies to Boost Employee Engagement and Well-being from Gallup’s 2024

Proven Strategies to Boost Employee Engagement and Well-being from Gallup’s 2024

by DeNeen

June 13, 2024

Gallup’s 2024 Global Workplace Report sheds light on the critical state of workplace engagement worldwide, revealing staggering insights into the emotional and economic impacts of employee disengagement. As a leader dedicated to fostering a thriving workplace, I found the report’s findings eye-opening and a call to action.

Reflecting on my journey in Corporate America and with Attard Leadership Academy (ALA), I realized the significant role well-structured leadership programs play in transforming workplace culture and retention. My experience in higher education, nonprofits, retail, and telecommunications has taught me the importance of creating environments where employees feel valued, supported, and engaged. The insights from Gallup’s report resonate deeply with the core principles of ALA, where our mission is to empower leaders through practical and impactful resources.

According to the 2024 Gallup State of the Global Workplace report, the global workforce faces significant challenges. Here are some key findings:

  1. Employee Engagement: Globally, 23% of employees and 30% of managers are engaged at work. This number represents a slight improvement from previous years but still indicates that most workers are either not engaged or actively disengaged. Disengaged employees often contribute to lower productivity and higher turnover rates.
  2. Emotional Well-being: 20% of the world’s employees experience loneliness. Emotional well-being globally amoung employees declined from last year to 34%. High levels of daily stress continue to be a significant issue, with 41% of employees reporting high levels of stress. These emotional challenges negatively impact work performance and overall life satisfaction.
  3. Economic Impact: Low engagement and related issues is staggering, with an estimated cost to the global economy of $8.8 trillion. This data underscores the urgent need for immediate action to improve employee engagement and well-being.
  4. Quiet Quitting and Retention: The phenomenon of “quiet quitting,” where employees do the bare minimum at work, is widespread. About 51% of employees are actively looking for a new job or watching for opportunities. Engaged employees are likelier to stay with their current employers, whereas disengaged employees are likelier to leave for a modest pay increase.
  5. Management’s Role: Effective leadership is crucial in addressing disengagement and stress. Leaders can significantly improve engagement levels by providing purpose, opportunities for development, and support. This underscores the need for organizations to focus on better management practices to enhance overall employee well-being and performance.

These findings suggest that addressing employee engagement and emotional well-being through better management and supportive workplace cultures can significantly improve productivity, retention, and overall economic performance.


  • Engagement: Focus on improving management practices by providing managers with the training and tools to support and engage their teams effectively. This approach includes developing a culture of regular feedback, recognition, and support.
  • Employee Well-being: Prioritize employee well-being by implementing programs addressing work-related stress and overall life satisfaction. Providing resources for mental health support, promoting work-life balance, and creating a positive work environment can help reduce stress levels and improve engagement.
  • Quiet Quitting and Retention: Offer employees opportunities for personal and professional growth. This includes providing access to training, career development programs, and clear pathways for advancement. Employees who see a future within their organization are more likely to stay engaged and committed.

To address the critical needs highlighted in Gallup’s 2024 Global Workplace Report, ALA offers a comprehensive suite of resources designed to elevate employee engagement and leadership development. ALA’s offerings include insightful books that delve into effective leadership practices, on-demand training programs that provide flexible learning opportunities for managers and employees, and personalized coaching sessions tailored to develop leadership skills and enhance team dynamics. Leaders can foster a supportive and engaging work environment by leveraging these resources, ultimately driving higher productivity and retention.

Schedule an appointment to explore how ALA can help your organization thrive.

Attard Leadership Academy, LLC provides leadership and personal development training, consulting, and e-learning experiences to help new and mid-level leaders from diverse backgrounds reach their full potential.

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