June 8

Take Charge of Your Job Performance Evaluation


Take Charge of Your Job Performance Evaluation

by DeNeen

June 8, 2021

We are almost halfway through the year, and the last thing on your mind might be how to take charge of your job performance evaluation. However, it should always be on your radar. Job performance feedback comes from your supervisor and sometimes your peers. The results can determine your merit increase and future promotions. As such, you must be active in the process. Here’s how you can take charge starting today:

  1. If you are not regularly meeting with your supervisor, make a request today and determine the frequency that works best for both of you to discuss your performance and obtain feedback. 
  2. Based on what you learn during your sessions, create a developmental action plan and find resources to help you excel. Please don’t depend on your supervisor to map it out for you. Yes, ask for feedback, but it’s essential to take charge of your growth. An excellent place to start is LinkedIn Learning. If you lack knowledge in a particular area of business, leadership, technology, or soft skills, chances are LinkedIn Learning has a course on it. Many employers offer it as a free tool and if you are a college student, check with your career services department to see if they provide students with free access to the service. 
  3. Keep notes on your performance, including your wins and areas of opportunities. Ensure that you can explain any underperforming areas and, more importantly, have a working plan to correct the behavior. 
  4. If you don’t have a copy of your last performance evaluation, ask your supervisor or HR manager for a copy. Past performance reviews will help you mark progress and identify trends in your performance.
  5. When creating your list and discussing it with your supervisor, resist the urge to be humble or shy. Instead, use it as an opportunity to show how you have added value to the team and organization. Resist the urge to depend on your supervisor to remember all of your accomplishments. Instead, champion your own merits, including quantifiable results. 
Resist the urge to depend on your supervisor to remember all of your accomplishments. Instead, champion your own merits, including quantifiable results.

For more leadership tips, be sure to check out the Leading with Strength podcast and connect with me on LinkedIn!

About the Podcast: Leading with Strength and Grace is for ambitious women who are eager to learn how to lead teams, champion change, and gain influence in the workspace they occupy. Each episode gives listeners the inside scope they want and need to level up their leadership skills! Each podcast episode is designed for Fabulous Leaders like you!

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