September 22

Women of Color in Tech Panel Discussion


Women of Color in Tech Panel Discussion

by DeNeen

September 22, 2021

Hello Fabulous Leader! Attard Leadership Academy hosted the Women of Color in Tech panel discussion on September 9, 2021. If you missed it, don’t worry. You can access the replay below and I promise, you will not be disappointed! Guest panelists, tech experts, and industry leaders, Dr. Wendy Norfleet, Monique Ward, Sarah Harris, Melissa Brickhouse, and Angela Daniels were authentic, knowledgable, and well versed in their fields, offering insight and encouragement to women currently in tech and those embarking on a new career in technology. Click here to grab access if you missed the first panel discussion, Women of Color in Leadership.


  • Recent global research by Accenture, “Getting to Equal 2020: The Hidden Value of Culture Makers,” surveyed men and women across a variety of industries and found that two-thirds of leaders (68%) feel they create empowering environments where people have a sense of belonging, yet just onethird (36%) of employees agree
  • Women hold just 16% of engineering roles and 27% of computing roles in companies in the US. • Women leave tech roles at a 45% higher rate than men.
  • 50% of women who take a tech role drop it by the age of 35, compared to approximately 20% in other types of jobs.
  • In the largest 1,000 companies, fewer than one out of five Chief Information Officers (CIOs) or Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) are women.

Click here for source.


Angela Daniels, Senior Program Manager, Slack for Good, Women of Color in Tech Co-founder
Angela is a social impact leader and Co-founder of the Women of Color in Tech organization. Her talents don’t stop there, oh no! She is a certified scrum product owner with an M.A. in Emergent Digital Practices.   Is that all there is to know about Anglea? Good question, and the answer is no. There is so much more to learn about this talented woman, but I will not spill all the tea. However, I will tell you that she is also a master storyteller, advent runner, 90s music aficionado with great dance moves! You will have to check out her LinkedIn page for more details on her dancing, and I promise you will not be disappointed!

Wendy Norfleet, CEO of Norfleet Solutions
Wendy makes you instantly feel at ease. When you sit down and talk with her, it’s like talking to a friend you have known for years, and I have it on good authority that her cooking skills are FIRE! No, that does not mean she burns up everything she cooks, LOL! You might be wondering why I highlight cooking skills. I confess I am a foodie, and I too love to cook and eat, but enough about me, back to Wendy! She’s an engineer, author, tv host, Immediate Past President of Jacksonville Chamber Information Technology Council (JITC), and CEO of Norfleet Solutions.

Monique Ward, Senior Web Developer
What happens when a hobbyist DJ with mad tech skills in HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, WordPress, and PHP decides to make it her mission to take on the health and wellness industry to provide an alternative treatment for an illness that impacts 1 in 10 adults? She uses her wisdom, knowledge, and passion for changing the world! Yes, I know you are also curious about her health and wellness industry accomplishments, and I am too, but we will have to wait to find out more.

Sarah Harris, LMFT, RPT, BS-TMH, Group Practice Owner, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
We all know that what we do is not the complete story of who we are, right? Take Sarah, for instance. She is an LMFT, RPT, BS-TMH, mom, activist, educator, wife, podcast co-host, and business owner. I know what you are thinking! What do all of those letters mean? I’ll let her explain! In short, it means she is brilliant, but that is not all there is to Sarah. She is also a runner and spectacular cook who works miracles with veggies!

Melissa Brickhouse, IT Expert, and Coach
Melissa loves playing sports and multitasking by exercising while listening to audiobooks! She is a results-oriented technology leader with an undeniable reputation for delivering business value leveraging 19 years of critical thinking and strategy to drive product innovation and organizational excellence.


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